Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Cross Family Testimonial

The Cross Family Testimonial

After numerous doctors, medications, tests, and even surgery we were at a dead end with Cooper’s diagnosis. Cooper was diagnosis with Dysphagia three years ago, when he was almost two years old. Cooper had croup often (his count is about 12 times since his first time when he was one), however he had no underlining issues as to why he has Dysphagia. He is a completely happy, healthy, striving child. When we saw the Aerodigestive Clinic at Seattle Children’s last year, we were looking into a progressive approach as to why he was still on honey thickness at an age where kids typically grow out of it. We had his tonsils and adenoids removed, swallow studies every 6 months, allergy tests, sleep studies, medications, and MRI’s. Most doctors didn’t really know what to say.

We were worried that Cooper would be putting thickener in his beer when he became an adult! We joked about it, however his social interactions with food and drink were starting to become apparent. When other kids were able to have juice boxes, Cooper would have to have his thickened and in a different cup with a straw. No popsicles and ice cream. We made multiple trips to the urgent care in a year for his croup. I was frustrated and wanted answers. I wasn’t going to sit around and have my questions unanswered. I pushed to have Cooper be seen by the Aerodisgestive Clinic. Once we met with them, they urged us to have a feeding evaluation. Judith Simmons evaluated Cooper and recommended our family to see Lorioux at Clear Speech.

Lorioux is a game changer! Cooper started seeing her in the fall of 2015. Our entire family showed up for Cooper’s first appointment as we all wanted to see Cooper healthy. Lorioux jumped right in and fell in love with Cooper and wanted to see improvement. We were very anxious to see results, as we felt we were at the end of the road.

 Within weeks, we noticed huge improvements. I loved to see how Lorioux would adapt to changes and try new things; chewy tubes, straws, whistles, and working his core, to make sure that Cooper would be progressing. EVERY week, we saw improvement. Cooper stopped coughing as often, which is a sign of dysphagia.

I would have to say the biggest change that we experienced was after Cooper completed Vital Stimulation Therapy. Although people were skeptical about the Vital Stim Therapy, we were willing to try it as Lorioux had seen great results in the past. His whole face changed! The way he ate, the way he held his neck tall and high, and he started a trial of 6oz of thin liquids daily after the therapy.

We are excited to say that Cooper is now getting the joy of drinking juice boxes like the other kids! He drinks at least 6oz of thin liquids daily. He has the confidence of a normal kid now. He doesn’t have to explain why he has to have liquids thickened. He doesn’t have to be the only kid in class with a special water cup because he has to have his thickened. We monitor him and make sure that he does “safe swallows,” a common phrase used in our home. Cooper has made it through fall, and most of the winter, without a trip to the urgent care for croup. That it self is HUGE! Lorioux, as I have said before, is a game changer. She opened up a whole new freedom for Cooper… the freedom that when he is 21, he won’t have to order a beer and put thickener in it (wink).

The Deverter Family Testimonial

The Deverter Family Testimonial

 Our baby boy was born with CHARGE syndrome, which is the leading cause of deaf blindness. Colton was clinically diagnosed at 2 days old based on swallowing and breathing difficulties, severe/profound hearing loss, heart defects, ear anomalies, and colobomas in both eyes. So there were lots of concerns… here are a few; Will he communicate? Will he eat on his own without a G-tube? Will he speak? Will he be able to interact in the world?

We were in speech therapy through WA State’s Birth to 3 program and our speech therapist, who had been with us since Colton was 5 weeks old, realized that we needed more than she could provide. So she recommended for Colton, then two years old, to consult with Lorioux. Also important to note that up to age 6 months, Colton had a NG tube which was replaced via surgery with a G-tube. So before seeing Lorioux, Colton was signing and speaking a few words, but it was very challenging for anyone outside of our immediate family to understand him. He was orally eating less than an ounce of purees at each meal, and was getting very fatigued chewing and swallowing. After only 4 months in therapy with Lorioux we were able to wean Colton off the tube and he was eating 100% of his calories orally!!!! Lorioux ROCKED our world! She and Kara are treasured members of our son’s team. We will be forever indebted for the help that we have received at Clear Speech.

 We met Lorioux, who completely supported a blenderized diet (real food) through the tube, and had experience weaning kiddos off the G-tube. It was soooooooooo incredible to add her to our team because of all of her vast experience with other children like my son! We started working on feeding in our first days at her therapy home, it was so comfortable and felt like a real home versus sterile hospital or clinics we had attended.

Colton used Talk Tools; chewy tubes, straws and horns with Lorioux, which my son loved! He just got stronger and stronger as a result of therapy with Lorioux. Again, after only 4 months in therapy with Lorioux we had weaned Colton off the tube and he was eating 100% of his calories orally!!!

Colton is an incredible little boy with a super-infectious spirit. He LOVES music, singing, signing, reading and his puppy, Edie. Life has changed in that Colton is now eating and is saying full sentences, singing at the top of his lungs and is engaged in conversation most of the day. We are soooo grateful for all the help and love that Kara and Lorioux have showered on our son.